Monday, 23 September 2013

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

# 7

"The worst mistake everyone can make is being too afraid to make one" 

Monday, 19 August 2013

My birthday :)

So, yesterday is my birthday Yayy, celebrating it with my beloved family :) My parents brought me to paradigm mall the night before my birthday and go shopping :) hehe. Brought a few stuff from H&M and diva and i'm done. Thanks mom and dad :3 AND thanks a lot to all my friends who wished me. I really appriciate it :)

Sunday, 4 August 2013


Trial is over . yeah baby ! so stress lah , after raya PMR pulak . Come on aina ! :)

Carnival sedekad smkbj

Yayy ! Finally, carnival sedekad smkbj finished. It was very fun. I enjoyed working with my classmates :) our booth when quite well :) I felt so happy, it was worth everything. I've been working on this since a week ago. I also get the chance to enter epsilon's and lambda's haunted house with my friends :) Lambda's was the best :p Maze house was so hard to get out -.- we stuck in there for about, i dont know 5 minutes? so hot. I didn't get the chance to enter all the haunted house, but all I can say, it was fun. Meet awesome peoples and old fiends :) really miss some of them. Lastly , thanks to all my classmate, 3 beta for your hard work. You guys did a great job ! :D